The church of the Virgin Mary Vladimirskaya icon in Kurkino — the treasure church-museum in Moscow.

The church of the Virgin Mary Vladimirskaya icon was built in the year 1672 by famous Russian prince Vorotinskiy. So on our temple will celebrate its 350th birthday in three years. And we are looking forward to give it a gift – new collection of bells. The biggest one will weight 2 tons with the height of 1,5 meter.

Many famous Russian people took part in the destiny of our church. Among others we would like to point out the doctor G.Zahariev. Tolstoy and Chehov named him the best doctor ever and his name is in the same range as Pirogov and Sechenov. His tomb is located in the beautiful chapel, couple of meters from the church. The project of the chapel was designed by the architect Shehtel, Russian architectural genius. He designed more than 60 buildings all around Moscow: the building of Yarslavskiy railway station, Moscow Art theatre and many others. The mosaic in the chapel was designed in Italy by another famous person – Nikolay Vasnezov.

The church is surrounded by the cemetery where found the last shelter many 1st and 2d World War warriors, priests and even the icon painter Pankrishev.

The church has been never closed even in the Soviet period. People carefully stored ancient icons, books and now we have the chance to see this historical beauty – face to face, looking at us from the 17th to the 21st century.

The church complex is located in the biggest Moscow reserve «The valley of the Shodnya river» (245 hectares). 21 species of fish, more than 100 species of animals, around 600 species of plants – this is one of the most beautiful natural surrounding you can see in Moscow region. You can have a walk, admire the beautiful views form the hills of the park. Our church is seen from mostly any point of the park.

If you want to get acquainted with Russian traditional culture, plunge into the amazing historical Russian fairytale, we will be happy to assist you in this wonderful journey. Our senior priest otez Igor (otez is how we call our priests, that is the same as “father”) will lead the excursion itself. We can provide you with interpreter (English or French available). Moreover, you can have a full meal in our church canteen for a reasonable fee.

If you are interested in seeing our church-museum in the Moscow region Kurkino, let us know that by calling +7-925-151-69-41 or email us: Our church is located close to Leningradskoye road, 10 kms from the International airport Sheremetyevo.

God bless you!

Russia, Moscow, uliza Novogorskaya, 37